Constant R&D to discover innovative shop floor metrics, delivering enduring value to your business
Get up and running in no time at all!
No additional capital investment:
The IPF can be installed on the existing infrastructure of a manufacturing plant and requires no additional capital
expenditure on existing automation and its web based open source technology ensures low maintenance costs.
Off the shelf System – Quick Implementation:
Being an off the shelf solution, the IPF can be implemented quickly even with intensive customization.
Get access to Big Data Analytics without large investments or expertise
Complete Information:
It is important to have a 360° view of the shop floor with all relevant information in hand.
IPF ensures completeness of information that helps in the decision making process.
Credible and Authentic Data:
Manual data collection is tedious, time consuming and unreliable.
Automated data collection in real time allows effective and actionable diagnosis by providing accurate, reliable and complete information.
No specific skill & competence required from the user:
IPF is user friendly task oriented software that ensures that shop floor personnel make appropriate use of the data generated.
Strategically positioned to deliver value across the Enterprise
Redefine Floor Economics:
It is imperative to understand costs at the most granular level to really understand state of the production floor.
IPF has redefined shop floor economics by making cost one of the most critical components of production floor metrics.
Credible and Authentic Data:
Almost all value differentiation has been designed in post-production stage (cost effective distribution, marketing,
pricing, post-sales service, etc.) Sustainable improvement can only happen on the shop floor by observing and understanding events
in real time and taking effective action. Instill a culture of improvement using data science within the organization.
Improve Control and Communication:
Real-time data visibility leads to improved control over production and facilitates communication of the shop floor with senior management.
Robust Decision Framework:
The absence of predictive observation forces the operations team for 'reactive' response towards any events.
The practice of reactive response often results into inefficiencies and hence higher cost of manufacturing.
Real time analysis enables predictive decision making and saves cost.
Capability Building Framework:
IPF helps organizations create capabilities for the next generation manufacturing practices where the shop floor executive will
be required to measure and control the financial performance of the plant.
IPF enable the shop floor executives to take informed and empowered decisions.
Narrow gap between R&D and scaled production:
The production team can use IPF to understand and act on micro aspects of the practical production environment to reduce
gap with simulated or R&D environments.
Guarantee Success of WCM Initiatives:
IPF aids the shop floor with all data required for implementation of initiatives like TQM, TPM, Six Sigma, Lean, etc.
IPF champions the WCM initiatives of the organization.
Commitment to proving enduring value and a high sensitivity to ROI
ROI Guaranteed:
Covacsis Technologies engages beyond implementation cycle to ensure user adoption and also works with production team to
identify opportunities to save cost and improve productivity this guaranteeing ROI to the organization.
The R&D team at Covacsis Technologies is always in the quest to invent new metrics that can provide sharper insights on the shop floor.
These metrics are incorporated and shared with user at no additional burden.
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